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“Received my new A440 chanter and am delighted with it.
I've been practicing with our symphony orchestra and we sound great!
- Doug

“MacHarg pipe bags are the greatest”
-Ryan Willey

“The reed works great! The fact that it works would have been enough, but
it works great! You have saved me from giving up on my small pipes! Thanks again for a reed well done!”
Highland Pipe Chanters
Highland pipe chanter
This is a modern high pitch chanter in polypenco delrin,
available in very red or standard black.
Highland pipe chanter
Concert pitch A-440
This is a useful chanter for orchestral and folk musics.
This chanter can be had in African blackwood, cocobolo, or Mexican kingwood.
Chanter with sole: XVIII century
Soleless chanter: contemporary
Highland Pipe Practice Chanters
(left) Standard size practice chanter
(right) Newer long style practice chanter, very popular today. Same
finger spacing as the full size pipe chanter.
These practice chanters are available in various woods,
i.e. African blackwood, cocobolo and other rosewoods.
For mounts, choices are: imitation ivory, imitation horn, imitation
tortoise shell, vegetable ivory and moose antler.
All finger holes are counter sunk.
Alll reed caps are made of polypenco delrin so as to prevent cracking.
Sole or soleless.
Care of your practice chanter: Always dry the inside of your chanter
after each use with a special brush, especially in summer. Store your
chanter in your pipe case. Never play the instrument when it is cold
to the touch. The same applies to your bagpipes.
Oil your chanter bore from time to time with a good quality almond or
woodwind bore oil.